Sunday, May 17, 2009

hiding something.

i just feel so dejected right now... and he doesn't even know it.
i hate this. his reason for this is so no one gets attached, no one gets hurt?? well fuck that, its too late. he already has kept disappointing me and hurting me and yet i love him just as much for it, maybe more... i want him so bad its like magnets run in our blood and im the negative and he's the positive... why can't he see that just because we aren't exact photo copies of each other, aren't brain twins or duplicates that we still can love each other... that its OKAY that we love each other and that its okay if we aren't the same. If its meant to be, we can work it out. I love him too much already, and yet he is still skeptical. I wish he would just give me the chance to prove it... prove how well we would work together, like two peas in a pod... or a blanket.