Friday, February 29, 2008

In Honor of Jackie

haha. this is for jackie... its flyleaf (AMAZING BAND) doing a cover of nirvana's smells like teen spirit (AMAZING SONG)! its pretty damn good.

~indie dindy~

The Best "So You Think You Can Dance" performance yet!

now THAT'S what you call lyrical!

Lunar Eclipse (and, no, this isn't the nest Twilight book ;]])

Here is some time lapse photography of the lunar eclipse among other amazing things in nature.

haha sweet vids.
happy leap year, y'all.
~indie dindy~

Lunar Eclipse (and, no this isn

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Song of the Day - 2/28/08

Okay, i know, i know its been too long... i know how much you were missing my amazing song reviews... NOT! haha
yeah so today is...
All Good Naysayers Speak Up! Or Forever Hold Your Peace! ~ Sufjan Stevens from the album Greetings From Michigan

this song, while not actually from Driving Lessons, reminds me a lot of the music Sufjan did for Driving Lessons... which stupid iTunes wont let me buy without the whole freakin cd!!! grr... oh well, its sexy anyway... his stuff is weird and indie but genius, pure genius! :D i kinda doubt any of you pples will enjoy it too much. : ( but thats life. : )
~indie dindy

Sweet Quizzes

Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in quite a while, or posted comments (verimelol). I have been ultra busy... still am, just need a break. :D anyway, i took a random quiz to see which non-main character are you from HP and i got...

[i'm bill weasley]

...and which lesser Harry Potter character are you?

isnt that sexy? hes sexy! lol ;]]
Yessss! i just scored h/hr as my ship! (oh, ok, fine i lied... i retook it five times to get that answer... the 1st couple were all hr/r blehh. haha)

[harry + hermione]

ily all! hope you've had a lovely week.
i danced well today.... lol ;]]
~Indie Dindy~

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Song of the Day - 2/14/08

Well, i had to do SOMETHING romantic today, and since im single i decided to express my lurvy side in my SOTD (song of the day, for you idiots like verime who didnt have the sense to figure that one out. haha jk ily vee) so todays song is.... (drumroll please).......................................................................................................................................
"That's How You Know" By Amy Adams from Enchanted! haha this movie was soso but this song is classic disney. gotta love the musicals. :]]

i want the soundtrack. :D

Haha. I <3 HP Alliance

Haha if u r feeling down about vday, check this out it may just cheer u up. it did 2 me. :D

"Happy Valentine's Day everyone!,

Whether your Valentine is a romantic partner or a non-romantic loved one (a friend, a relative, yourself, Harry Potter, etc) I hope you all are having a beautiful day full of love and potentially little candy hearts that say things like "Be Mine." I think they forget to print the word "please!" Or perhaps you have a little card that say "I Ch-Ch-Choose You" and there's a picture of a choo-choo train on it (that's from a Simpson's episode. Oh Ralph Wiggum, how I love thee, let me count the ways).

As for "Singles Awareness Day," I had never heard of it until recently while at an open mike night for singer/songwriters. I looked it up on youtube and there are plenty of videos about it. I looked it up on Wikipedia and here's what I found:

is a humorous holidaycelebrated on February 14 (although some prefer the 13th or the 15th to get away from the commercialism associated with the 14th). It serves as an alternative to Valentine's Day for people who are single: that is, who are not involved in a romantic relationship. Some observers of SAD do so out of spite for Valentine's Day, as a Hallmark holiday, or for other reasons.

On Singles Awareness Day, single people gather to celebrate or to commiserate in their single status. Some want to remind romantic couples that they don't need to be in a relationship to celebrate life. A common greeting on this day by its adherents is "Happy SAD!"

Some of the manifestations of the holiday can be regarded as examples of self-deprecating humor.

Any way, Happy Valentine's Day and Happy SAD! If any one sees a flying baby in a toga shooting arrows (or chocolate frogs) send him my regards. And make sure you're standing next to a person you find interesting (no Romilda Vanes) in the off chance that he hits you.

Any way, Happy Happy,

Andrew Slack and all the Aurors at Harry Potter and the Alliances"

arent they awesome??????? yes. the answer to the rhetorical question is yes,
happy SAD everyone, happy SAD. :D : (

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

PS to tomorrows SOTD

PS: My fave song (well, of hte 30 secs it has on itunes) on their cd is probabaly "Sex" but i doubt my parentles will let me buy it so if someone wants to... :D *simper simper* feel free!

Song of the Day - 2/13/08

Yeah, yeah, getting a little ahead of myself, arent i? well too bad cuz i have a song and i wanna talk about it so go **** a ****** lol i just typed in random asterisks so i have no clue what it says! hahahagahaga
so yeah. to the song... well its more about the band.... but oh well
"Your Kisses Are wasted On Me" ~ The Pipettes
this super chick 60's esque pop trio has got it goin on with fun and funky dance worthy music style faintly reminiescent of old doo-wop singers and such in poodle skirts.
check 'em out on itunes (once again, they r from the uk) they are the pipettes and their album is so aptly named, "We Are The Pipettes" if anyone knows whether you say pipe-ettes or pip-ettes please tell me cuz i dont want to go around asking for the cd making a fool of myself. danke
~Indie Dindy
PS comments would be much appreciated on all aspects of my bloggerino, thank you!

PPS if u get this: its not l and e not e and d.... so yeah... figure it out beebles....

Duuuude sexy video (vee, ull like)

This is Adele. She has an amazing voice, and not this song, but another one of hers is the free single on itunes this week. she is only 19 and is from the uk so woot! she has an awesome voice and style thats kinda jazzy neo-soul and is really refeshing! Its also really refreshing to see someone who isnt twig thin be in the music industry. :]] and also, even if u dont like the music, this video is awesome! the whole persective is pretty damn sweet! i lurrrve it mucho. :D

ps this is dedicated to veeva cuz she is more into this kinda music than niome, n.o. noma noma. : )
ily all.
~Indie Dindy

Song of the Day - 2/12/08

Yay! I didn't forget the song of the day!!! Woo hoo arent you guys proud??? well, seeing as you never responded to the first song of the day, i doubt you even know its a sexy beast of mine so you probably are off pemis holding somewhere not even knowing the fantasmical (or as cassidy would say, orgasmical) adventures that these songs should take you on if you are an avid music lover/listener/player...

ANYWAY the song of the day is....
"Far Far" by Yael Naim
For a song with a little change of pace and accent. :D
She has a gorgeous voice, and such rhythmic background music that is so soothing and just keeps building and adding more layers as the song progresses.

BONUS! its a free discovery download on itunes so get it soon before it changes!!!! :]] arent you glad u have me for a friend?
beautiful mess inside.

(lyric from the song)

~Indie Dindy

Monday, February 11, 2008

Book of the Month - February

haha everyone misspells february... 'cept ME! cuz im speshul... haha jk
so to the point!! the book of the month is by one of my fave authors who i need to read more of cuz i loved her when i was younger so i thought she just wrote long chapter books for children but she writes some really good YA books and if im not mistaken, i think she writes for adults too but idk.... anyway back to the title of the book:
A Company of Swans
its by Eva Ibbotson and its about ballet, but its really suspenseful and has really vivid descriptions and a great plotline... so if youre in need of a book pick it up at your local bookstore. :D its amazing.

Home Sick--Why Food Network is a Bad Influence

haha... bet the title caught your eye, eh?
yeah so today i stayed home sick with a sore throat and headache and just a general sickyness feeling (bleargh) so i was watching a lot of food network (you would too even if u rnt a cooker like me, when the alternative is hannah montana [which i did eventually end up watching cuz i got so sick of the sandra day creepo on FN]) and i realized how freaking-g-g-g-g unhealthy paula dean, emeril, and barefoot contessa are! dude, i swear between the three of them (just one show each, mind you) i saw them use at least three pounds of butter no joke! HOW DISGUSTING IS THAT! i could feel my ateries clogging just from watching it, ya know what i mean? (haha my mom recently told me i say that i lot and now every time i say it i laugh at myself) but thats not why it is a bad influence! its cuz paula dean and her scary southern talk! i mean come on, what is she teaching children by calling a red onion, i kid you not, a PURPLE ONION!!!! and she calls herslef a chef! and then today was her show all about, and i quote, her FAVORITE kitchen appliance the deep fat fryer!! ahhhhh!!!!!! she made, i kid you not, for dessert, she made DEEP FRIED CHEESECAKE!!!!! then, get this, after making a deep fried fish sandwich, she called it an "elbow-licker" who the hell is she to give kids false hope that they can lick their elbows??? dude, if u can lick your elbow than u can kiss it and everybody knows that is u can kiss it you are q FAERIE! (and yes, thats how the Gaelics spell it, and im irish so thats how i spell it). haha i think fairly oddparents wore off on me too. yeah so it felt good to rant about her for a sec. haha. yeah vee you are right, the wizards of waverly place is actually a good show, i like the sarcasm and the acting is good event though it has horrible special effects lol. and, you have to admit, the dude justin i think his name is is HOT! break me off a piece of that man candy haha!!!! (inside joke between me and vee lol)
well, i suppose you are sick of my ranting... if i were you i would be too... but im not you so deal with it! lol jk im done
ily ill be at school tomorrow, looking sexy and sick lol.....
(and yes i meant to do that)
~Indie Dindy

Song of the Day - 2/11/08

Hey ev'rybody! (ev'ry body, ev'rybody, ev'rybody wants to be a cat [from aristocats lol i luv that movie])
today the song is (just like NOMI i am skipping the drumrolling crap because if i gave u 100 guesses, youd prob guess it anyway)
"I Wanna Luv You" by Rocket cuz saw them in concert baby!!!! yeah they rock and they rnt on itunes which sucks but i have their tour ep if anyone wants to borrow it and their myspace is and they have a facebook too and r on my friends if u wanna check 'em out there as well. this song rocks for many reasons, its pretty short so yeah, you have to keep it on repeat. lol. but yeah its upbeat, fun, and its cool cuz i know them kinda personally (my fave, Kelly, the lead guitarist/backup vox and i talked for like an hour while the other bands (well, mostly horrorpops, i was too busy screaming and jumping up and down and singing at teh top of my lungs for the pink spiders) were playing... so yeah, check them out they are from a place near LA and so they'll prob tour here again fairlyish often... at least more often than Pink Spiders cuz theyre from tennessee and definatley more than horrorpops cuz theyre from freaking-g-g-g-g-g denmark, can u believe it??
anyway i didnt do songs of the days for yesterday or the day before so knock yourselves out with a couple of well known older songs:
Yesterday: The Middle by Jimmy Eats World
The Day Before Yesterday: Adalae by the Pink Spiders
The Day Before THAT: Paralyzer by Finger Eleven

laytah gaytahs! (later gators)

i lurve y'all (sorry, paula dean is scarily wearing off on me, ill tell u why in my next post)
~Indie Dindy

Friday, February 8, 2008


Hither is a loverly list of things and which of those things i prefer... tell me what else you want me to add on... and copy the list to your blog but full it in with your answers and add some more... mmmmmkay? :D
Mac vs. PC: Mac
Purple vs. Orange: Purple (but i lurve orange too)
Rock vs. Pop: errrr this ones hard *thats what she said* probably a mix of the two, lol... depends on my mood but i lean towards rock
Ballet vs. Tennis: once again, both! but i lean towards ballet
Poop vs. Pee (this one's for jackie and annika ;]]): uhh when drawing and talking about, poop is sooo much more fun, but when u r actually doing it, i say pee. :D
Coke vs. Pepsi: i wouldnt know, i am so healthy i dont drink soda :]]
Carrots vs. Spinach: Ah! A loverly ?! when IM preparing it? Spinach. hands down. its sooooo good with garlic and olive oil and red or white onion or shallots and balsamic vinager and pine nuts and parmegiano reggiano! Mmm mmm delicioso!

Too be continued.... dun dun dunnnnnn. ;D
please post this on urs with even more vs. thingys and love live and laugh! pah de pah pah

~Indie Diny

Song of the Day - 2/8/08

Music is My Hot, Hot Sex - CSS
*collective bow to Indie Dindy's greatness for acciently finding an awesome song that once was on an Apple ad without knowing the name or who sung it"


verm is being a little sperm....
i think eventually i will have to delete all of theae weird posts and post some real writings and musings and song recommendations and haikus and pictures of weird but surprisingly tranquil things.....
but as the procrastinator on the Amanda Bynes Show said, "EVENTUALLY!"

Naomi Anne Louise...

needs to get a blog cuz hers would be as hilarious as vermi's but she doesnt have internet problems so it would be even better.
so get one, niome!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

For Vermi's Eyes ONLayyyyyy ppples

i wrote u a song, babay, and hither its thither:
doodle. doooooodle. doodledooodle. (repeats as a low baseline)
oh babayyyyyyy
i lurve yo mamahhhhhh
every niiiiiiiiiiiight
til the sun turns bluuuuuuue
but i must sayyyyyyyah
i am gettin so sickkkkk (breaks out into flyleaf)
im so siickkkkkkk (then goes back to where it left off)
of yo mamahhhhh
so i cant help. but turn. to YOU!

so my baybay,
my new honey bunsssssss
why wont ye eat. some salsa. wit MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! OH BAYBAY bebe bebe baybayyyyyyyyyyy yeahyeahyeah yeahhhhhhhhh ow!



Hey, everybody (which, at the moment, is probably nobody, cuz i am a newbie to the blogging universe lol)!
I am Lindy, and this is my blog. Yes, I know, that is a stupic start to a blog, but I promise better stuff to come in the future... remember, I am a newbie at this... ; P lol...
This is basically a text and kind of an ice breaker of the sort.... my real posts won't be like this, trust me. lol. :D
as they say on Pooh Bear, TTFN!