Thursday, February 14, 2008

Haha. I <3 HP Alliance

Haha if u r feeling down about vday, check this out it may just cheer u up. it did 2 me. :D

"Happy Valentine's Day everyone!,

Whether your Valentine is a romantic partner or a non-romantic loved one (a friend, a relative, yourself, Harry Potter, etc) I hope you all are having a beautiful day full of love and potentially little candy hearts that say things like "Be Mine." I think they forget to print the word "please!" Or perhaps you have a little card that say "I Ch-Ch-Choose You" and there's a picture of a choo-choo train on it (that's from a Simpson's episode. Oh Ralph Wiggum, how I love thee, let me count the ways).

As for "Singles Awareness Day," I had never heard of it until recently while at an open mike night for singer/songwriters. I looked it up on youtube and there are plenty of videos about it. I looked it up on Wikipedia and here's what I found:

is a humorous holidaycelebrated on February 14 (although some prefer the 13th or the 15th to get away from the commercialism associated with the 14th). It serves as an alternative to Valentine's Day for people who are single: that is, who are not involved in a romantic relationship. Some observers of SAD do so out of spite for Valentine's Day, as a Hallmark holiday, or for other reasons.

On Singles Awareness Day, single people gather to celebrate or to commiserate in their single status. Some want to remind romantic couples that they don't need to be in a relationship to celebrate life. A common greeting on this day by its adherents is "Happy SAD!"

Some of the manifestations of the holiday can be regarded as examples of self-deprecating humor.

Any way, Happy Valentine's Day and Happy SAD! If any one sees a flying baby in a toga shooting arrows (or chocolate frogs) send him my regards. And make sure you're standing next to a person you find interesting (no Romilda Vanes) in the off chance that he hits you.

Any way, Happy Happy,

Andrew Slack and all the Aurors at Harry Potter and the Alliances"

arent they awesome??????? yes. the answer to the rhetorical question is yes,
happy SAD everyone, happy SAD. :D : (

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