Monday, February 11, 2008

Book of the Month - February

haha everyone misspells february... 'cept ME! cuz im speshul... haha jk
so to the point!! the book of the month is by one of my fave authors who i need to read more of cuz i loved her when i was younger so i thought she just wrote long chapter books for children but she writes some really good YA books and if im not mistaken, i think she writes for adults too but idk.... anyway back to the title of the book:
A Company of Swans
its by Eva Ibbotson and its about ballet, but its really suspenseful and has really vivid descriptions and a great plotline... so if youre in need of a book pick it up at your local bookstore. :D its amazing.


vermi_the_wormi_3 said...

i think lindy needs to spend some time at the funny farm, with the strange little men in their little white coats.

indie_dindy said...

ha. freaking-g-g-g-g ha.
yeah, thanks a lot, you little insane asylum insinuator... PEMIS HOLD