Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Song of the Day - 2/12/08

Yay! I didn't forget the song of the day!!! Woo hoo arent you guys proud??? well, seeing as you never responded to the first song of the day, i doubt you even know its a sexy beast of mine so you probably are off pemis holding somewhere not even knowing the fantasmical (or as cassidy would say, orgasmical) adventures that these songs should take you on if you are an avid music lover/listener/player...

ANYWAY the song of the day is....
"Far Far" by Yael Naim
For a song with a little change of pace and accent. :D
She has a gorgeous voice, and such rhythmic background music that is so soothing and just keeps building and adding more layers as the song progresses.

BONUS! its a free discovery download on itunes so get it soon before it changes!!!! :]] arent you glad u have me for a friend?
beautiful mess inside.

(lyric from the song)

~Indie Dindy

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