Monday, February 11, 2008

Song of the Day - 2/11/08

Hey ev'rybody! (ev'ry body, ev'rybody, ev'rybody wants to be a cat [from aristocats lol i luv that movie])
today the song is (just like NOMI i am skipping the drumrolling crap because if i gave u 100 guesses, youd prob guess it anyway)
"I Wanna Luv You" by Rocket cuz saw them in concert baby!!!! yeah they rock and they rnt on itunes which sucks but i have their tour ep if anyone wants to borrow it and their myspace is and they have a facebook too and r on my friends if u wanna check 'em out there as well. this song rocks for many reasons, its pretty short so yeah, you have to keep it on repeat. lol. but yeah its upbeat, fun, and its cool cuz i know them kinda personally (my fave, Kelly, the lead guitarist/backup vox and i talked for like an hour while the other bands (well, mostly horrorpops, i was too busy screaming and jumping up and down and singing at teh top of my lungs for the pink spiders) were playing... so yeah, check them out they are from a place near LA and so they'll prob tour here again fairlyish often... at least more often than Pink Spiders cuz theyre from tennessee and definatley more than horrorpops cuz theyre from freaking-g-g-g-g-g denmark, can u believe it??
anyway i didnt do songs of the days for yesterday or the day before so knock yourselves out with a couple of well known older songs:
Yesterday: The Middle by Jimmy Eats World
The Day Before Yesterday: Adalae by the Pink Spiders
The Day Before THAT: Paralyzer by Finger Eleven

laytah gaytahs! (later gators)

i lurve y'all (sorry, paula dean is scarily wearing off on me, ill tell u why in my next post)
~Indie Dindy

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