Thursday, February 7, 2008


Hey, everybody (which, at the moment, is probably nobody, cuz i am a newbie to the blogging universe lol)!
I am Lindy, and this is my blog. Yes, I know, that is a stupic start to a blog, but I promise better stuff to come in the future... remember, I am a newbie at this... ; P lol...
This is basically a text and kind of an ice breaker of the sort.... my real posts won't be like this, trust me. lol. :D
as they say on Pooh Bear, TTFN!


The Spastic Warrior Chicken (Nomi) said...

Hello... I finally figured it out! YAY! and verm leave some of the most INAPPROPRIATE messages....oh my

The Spastic Warrior Chicken (Nomi) said...


The Spastic Warrior Chicken (Nomi) said...

oh... I read all of your posts...I think! so are we supposed to talk on eachothers and go back and forth, or are we supposed to write on the same comment board??!

The Spastic Warrior Chicken (Nomi) said...


indie_dindy said...

same comment board.... i think... idk this is allll sooooo much mroe confusing than facebook. : P

indie_dindy said...

did you do the last one and repost it?

indie_dindy said...

what does this mean: HELLEEMOOMALATTE!

indie_dindy said...

haha yeah we like weird/innaprepriate thingys haha

The Spastic Warrior Chicken (Nomi) said...

I know... I have to get used to it...but it is pretty much like a chatroom! I FINALLY FOUND YOUR POSTS!

The Spastic Warrior Chicken (Nomi) said...

I gotta poo, hlod on.. but keep posting.. oop... i reallyy gotta go... I'm gonna burst

indie_dindy said...

haha yeah... but AIM is easier... and better... lol do u just wanna talk on aim???

indie_dindy said...

ewie@!!!!! you little poop monster

indie_dindy said...

do u just wanna get on aim?

indie_dindy said...

ill be waiting for u on aim... just im me when ur done doing your dirty business.... *blegh*

indie_dindy said...

wait, first did u read about the nudist babies underneath where it says indie dindy's blog????

The Spastic Warrior Chicken (Nomi) said...

I don't have aim on this computer, and the internet isn't working on the other one... and (sorry there are so many ands)...I tried my password like fifty times and it didn't work... I will try later!

indie_dindy said...

grr. verm is bering a spazspaz

The Spastic Warrior Chicken (Nomi) said...

my aim is POOP! oh... does Jackie have a Blog... although she would prob. never get on it cuz she is sooooo.... busy, well, I just wanted to tell her that I have expiriencced the relaxing feeling of pooping! HEEHEE!

indie_dindy said...

dude jackie is more obsessed with poop than u and non! well, maybe not non, but u... and thats saying something lol! ily