Monday, February 11, 2008

Home Sick--Why Food Network is a Bad Influence

haha... bet the title caught your eye, eh?
yeah so today i stayed home sick with a sore throat and headache and just a general sickyness feeling (bleargh) so i was watching a lot of food network (you would too even if u rnt a cooker like me, when the alternative is hannah montana [which i did eventually end up watching cuz i got so sick of the sandra day creepo on FN]) and i realized how freaking-g-g-g-g unhealthy paula dean, emeril, and barefoot contessa are! dude, i swear between the three of them (just one show each, mind you) i saw them use at least three pounds of butter no joke! HOW DISGUSTING IS THAT! i could feel my ateries clogging just from watching it, ya know what i mean? (haha my mom recently told me i say that i lot and now every time i say it i laugh at myself) but thats not why it is a bad influence! its cuz paula dean and her scary southern talk! i mean come on, what is she teaching children by calling a red onion, i kid you not, a PURPLE ONION!!!! and she calls herslef a chef! and then today was her show all about, and i quote, her FAVORITE kitchen appliance the deep fat fryer!! ahhhhh!!!!!! she made, i kid you not, for dessert, she made DEEP FRIED CHEESECAKE!!!!! then, get this, after making a deep fried fish sandwich, she called it an "elbow-licker" who the hell is she to give kids false hope that they can lick their elbows??? dude, if u can lick your elbow than u can kiss it and everybody knows that is u can kiss it you are q FAERIE! (and yes, thats how the Gaelics spell it, and im irish so thats how i spell it). haha i think fairly oddparents wore off on me too. yeah so it felt good to rant about her for a sec. haha. yeah vee you are right, the wizards of waverly place is actually a good show, i like the sarcasm and the acting is good event though it has horrible special effects lol. and, you have to admit, the dude justin i think his name is is HOT! break me off a piece of that man candy haha!!!! (inside joke between me and vee lol)
well, i suppose you are sick of my ranting... if i were you i would be too... but im not you so deal with it! lol jk im done
ily ill be at school tomorrow, looking sexy and sick lol.....
(and yes i meant to do that)
~Indie Dindy


vermi_the_wormi_3 said...


vermi_the_wormi_3 said...

you are a fool.

indie_dindy said...

haha i know! you pemin hold (and yes im obsessed) u only commented on like, 1 frickin blog post!!!! i do all this work and u only comment on ONE??? boobtoob

vermi_the_wormi_3 said...

hello. i did three. maybe two. oh my god, you PEMIS HOLDER.

twifan122 said...
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twifan122 said...

Lindy you're so funny!
ps:this is Jackie :P

indie_dindy said...

haha thanks jackie!!! how do u comment on your blog???? cuz i cant figure out how. : (