Tuesday, February 12, 2008

PS to tomorrows SOTD

PS: My fave song (well, of hte 30 secs it has on itunes) on their cd is probabaly "Sex" but i doubt my parentles will let me buy it so if someone wants to... :D *simper simper* feel free!


vermi_the_wormi_3 said...

hey what the penis is sotd?

indie_dindy said...

if you were smart, and you read my whole blog, you would know that means Song Of The Day!
Good Lord, woman!
you scare even me!
lol you know i am jk right? cuz im jk.

vermi_the_wormi_3 said...


indie_dindy said...

pemins hold

Bridget said...

heyy. Serena here. along iwht Bridget and Gretchen. ok ok. its callie, Jackie and Lexy. whatever. its on the DL. So I am Serena. Jackie is Bridget. and lexy is Gretchen. check out our blog!

indie_dindy said...

sweet! omg i cant believe u named it slutter!!! haha.
kk ill check it out