Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Song of the Day - 2/13/08

Yeah, yeah, getting a little ahead of myself, arent i? well too bad cuz i have a song and i wanna talk about it so go **** a ****** lol i just typed in random asterisks so i have no clue what it says! hahahagahaga
so yeah. to the song... well its more about the band.... but oh well
"Your Kisses Are wasted On Me" ~ The Pipettes
this super chick 60's esque pop trio has got it goin on with fun and funky dance worthy music style faintly reminiescent of old doo-wop singers and such in poodle skirts.
check 'em out on itunes (once again, they r from the uk) they are the pipettes and their album is so aptly named, "We Are The Pipettes" if anyone knows whether you say pipe-ettes or pip-ettes please tell me cuz i dont want to go around asking for the cd making a fool of myself. danke
~Indie Dindy
PS comments would be much appreciated on all aspects of my bloggerino, thank you!

PPS if u get this: its not l and e not e and d.... so yeah... figure it out beebles....


vermi_the_wormi_3 said...

um. no offense, but rocket is kinda annoying.

vermi_the_wormi_3 said...


indie_dindy said...

dude. thats cuz u dont know them.