Friday, February 8, 2008


Hither is a loverly list of things and which of those things i prefer... tell me what else you want me to add on... and copy the list to your blog but full it in with your answers and add some more... mmmmmkay? :D
Mac vs. PC: Mac
Purple vs. Orange: Purple (but i lurve orange too)
Rock vs. Pop: errrr this ones hard *thats what she said* probably a mix of the two, lol... depends on my mood but i lean towards rock
Ballet vs. Tennis: once again, both! but i lean towards ballet
Poop vs. Pee (this one's for jackie and annika ;]]): uhh when drawing and talking about, poop is sooo much more fun, but when u r actually doing it, i say pee. :D
Coke vs. Pepsi: i wouldnt know, i am so healthy i dont drink soda :]]
Carrots vs. Spinach: Ah! A loverly ?! when IM preparing it? Spinach. hands down. its sooooo good with garlic and olive oil and red or white onion or shallots and balsamic vinager and pine nuts and parmegiano reggiano! Mmm mmm delicioso!

Too be continued.... dun dun dunnnnnn. ;D
please post this on urs with even more vs. thingys and love live and laugh! pah de pah pah

~Indie Diny